It is difficult at times to take a breath and say it could be so much worse but truly it can.  There are so many others that would wish for what we had but there are times it is easy to step into self pity.  Wishing and hoping for something more instead of embracing what we have and what will be someday.  This is not about if you have a “typical” child or special needs child.  We all compare ourselves to others and wish for more or think someone else has it easier.  When in reality, we all have it tough in some way.  We all fight our own challenges and battles.  We all have self doubt even if we don’t want to admit.

How do we get to an understanding that life is tough on everyone and we all need to find our own way of coping and striving to reach peace?   Peace in our own situations and love in the lives we have in front of us.  It is easy to say things like this but to truly implement them is something so much more.  It is a direct challenge that takes a lot of self talk and self evaluation.  It is accepting where we are in life and also allowing ourselves to have flaws.

At times when things are rough, I quickly default back into self pity about how others must have it so easy or that they don’t understand.  Some of this could be true or it could be absolutely incorrect.  Many times, people with the worst challenges are the best at masking them.  I have learned this the past couple years and try my hardest to understand this.

I have learned so much from Dominic. This is such a cliche but it is so very true.  He has taught me not to be so judgemental and he has taught me there are multiple ways to meet a person’s needs.  He has taught to be more understanding and patient for others with differences and I don’t only mean special needs.  He has taught me that everyone is fighting a battle one way or another and it is up to us to support them through their journey.


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