When thinking of the tagline for this blog, we had to reflect back to when we would hope our son would one day be able to tell us what he needed or something that was exciting in his day.  We would have tears and say we wish he could just tell us something.  It wasn’t until he was round five that words became a little more clear and we could understand him.  Even at that time, the words and phrases were sporadic and unclear at times.  Every IEP meeting, we would say our goal was for him to be able to tell us more.

Dom had his own plan and through his journey he started to have his own voice.  He would have phrases or transition statements that would help him during times that he was struggling.  When he would be in a meltdown or a time he would be negotiating with us, his tagline was and still is “I have a plan.”

There are times when we catch ourselves saying to each other “I have a plan” and we smile because we know exactly where this phrase started.  It started from a little boy, that we thought was lost and did know what was going on but in reality he did have a plan but he had a plan all along.


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