When Dominic was first diagnosed, I had so many feelings and went through many levels of emotions.  Believe it or not, social media saved me in many ways.  I would spend endless hours researching, following blogs and looking up quotes on Pinterest.  Seriously, Pinterest probably was my favorite one.  I would find quotes for hours and they just made me feel better.  They were my anthem, they were my cry, they were my announcement to the world to see how hard it was and that I was demanding acceptance and understanding.

The times that I needed to research have slowed down and I have learned to live in the moment but I do find myself following more blogs.  I follow them for a different reason now.  I follow them for advice and support.  The parents and families just get it and that helps.  When I am feeling down or low, I do revert back to Pinterest and find that perfect quote to make me feel better.  It is a way to express my feelings and to reassure me that everything will be okay.

Many times, social media can be a bad thing.  In my case, I have to say it saved me from quickly spiraling down and in many ways it boosted me up.  It gave me direction and it soothed me without having to explain myself.  I think in many ways that is why I have started this blog. It is away that I can let others see our experiences and in many ways, I hope it gives someone else comfort in their time through their journey.

I end with one of my favorite Pinterest quotes:


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